Transart CORTEX, a collaborative platform for manufacturer-distributor business development


Transart announces CORTEX platform

Being present as a strategic partner at the most important event dedicated to RETAIL & HORECA Distributors in ROMANIA (4th edition of the conference organised by Modern Buyer), Transart announced the launch of CORTEX platform, the result of a 14 years experience journey in projects involving data collection directly from the ERP system installed at distributors.

Transart CORTEX is an innovative system of data collecting, cleansing, consolidation and visualization that integrates Business Intelligence components, facilitating the planning and coordination of common actions within the partnership between a manufacturer and its distributors.

Transart CORTEX platform has continuously evolved, cumulating in the last 14 years a total of: 10 projects, 27 distinct integrated ERP systems and 152 connected distributors in Romania.

At first, these type of projects came naturally to us, following the successful implementation of the HERMES SFA & RETAIL EXECUTION which was integrated within the manufacturer’s ERP system, but also by valuing our expertise in Business Intelligence area. Further, as we gained experience, we began to win new CORTEX-type projects. This has happened based on the large number of distinct ERP systems we have learned to integrate and because in many cases at least a third of the distributors were using an ERP system also developed by Transart.” — said Marius IURIAN, Managing Partner TRANSART.

Marius IURIAN at the Retail and Horeca Distributors Conference

In addition to the win-win partnership idea, the integration of TRANSART CORTEX into the business information flow on the manufacturer – distributor relationship brings consistent benefits for both parties. Here we highlight some of them:

Benefits for manufacturers

  • Access to secure and up-to-date data directly from source
  • More detailed monitoring of distribution flow (sales at category level, SalesRep, POS),
  • Increased control and optimisation of stock distribution in the territory to avoid missing potential sales,
  • Development of distribution channel (TT) by synchronizing promotional actions and timely monitoring of results.

Benefits for distributors

  • Joint business planning with the manufacturer,
  • Increased sales due to coordination of promotional activities,
  • Stock adjustment and supply frequency in relation to sales,
  • Support on the shelf execution side
  • Efficient management of logistics activity peaks,
  • reduction of returns
  • Eliminarea ratării unor comenzi potențiale.

Among the clients for whom we have implemented TRANSART CORTEX, we mention: Unilever, Mondelēz, Heineken, JDE, Molson Coors (Bergenbier in Romania), Prodvinalco or PepsiCo. Several other CORTEX projects are ongoing (e.g. Kandia Dulce), while some of the leading FMCG distributors in Romania have recently adopted the business suite built around the ERP system developed by TRANSART (e.g. Punctual Comimpex, M.Tabac or Farel).

There are over 200 distribution companies using the ERP system developed by Transart, including some of the most representative FMCG distributors: Amigo & Intercost, Bere Băuturi Bucharest, TDG (Argeș, Vâlcea, Mehedinți), Vandana Distribution, Josi Logistic, Geraico, Dorsan, Prosoft, Prodalcom, Intercompany, Andrada, El Casio, Kara Distrib, Salf, Comexmar, Derșidan, Nasticom, Resco Distribuție, Nicole Mi or MCA Comercial.

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