What is Trade-Marketing and its applicability in creating buying trends

The importance of in-store marketing is something that cannot be neglected by producers who want to increase their presence and market share. Trade-Marketing meets this need of producers to market their products and position themselves as well as possible in the market.

What is Trade-Marekting ?

The totality of marketing actions carried out in stores and point-of-sale promotional actions is short called: trade-marketing. FMCG importers and manufacturers can no longer neglect the trade-marketing if they want to increase their  market share and influence the buying decision up to to the last point where the buyer can still be convinced.

Trade & Brand Marketing – modern and effective means of promotion to increase sales

Simply put, the purpose of Trade-Marketing is to help increase the demand for promoted products at the level of: distributors, traders and retailers. At the same time, it represents a way in which the products in question are directly promoted at the point of sale using merchandising  such as: how products are arranged, the occupied shelf space, secondary placements, displays etc.

Trade-Marketing is complementary to Brand Marketing which aims to increase demand at the consumer level, whereas Trade-Marketing focuses on increasing demand at the retailer level.

Basically, Trade-Marketing intervenes to influence the decision of buying your own products in-store, the last place where they can be convinced to choose your product instead of the competitor’s product they usually buy.

Market information about your own and competitors’ products useful for your company’s strategy.

Collecting market data using the trade-marketing questionnaires  which provides the company with important details regarding the price level each retailer charges for products of interest, the presence of their own and competitors’ products, visibility, facing or the presence of their own promotional materials at points of sale such as stands or secondary placements.

Functionalities integrated in a complete SFA  software allows using a camera to take pictures of products arrangement on the shelf, the way in which different promotions managed by third parties for manufacturers have been implemented in the stores. Also, any other relevant information related to Trade-Marketing can be easily recorded using flexible questionnaires that can be customized according to needs.

Trade-Marketing-ul, the way to generate new trends in the market

The Trade-Marketing area is extremely competitive, there is a lot of competition between manufacturers in order to get space on store shelves and to run promotions so that their products gain in positioning and visibility.

Trade marketing allows manufacturers to better promote their products in order  to gain customer loyalty and build a successful business. Its contribution is particularly important, especially when there are so many substitute products on the market.

Using information from trade-marketing questionnaires can open up new opportunities for companies that take the initiative to create trends among consumers and deliver new experiences of interaction with the brand and the promoted products.

Brand differentiation is no longer necessarily achieved through price. The customer experience matters the most, so this is a direction many promotional campaigns are heading in. But they can only be successful if the necessary information is collected from the market using Trade-Marketing questionnaires to monitor the progress of campaigns.

Who needs trade-marketing?

Manufacturers and importers in the FMCG and pharmaceutical industry   are among the traditional beneficiaries implementing consistent trade-marketing actions. But today, manufacturers and importers of building materials, finishes, electrical materials, installation materials who sell their products through large bricolage networks can no longer neglect trade marketing.  

How can you monitor the effectiveness of trade marketing actions?

Gathering quickly and easily a series of vital information about the in-store presence of your own products; more specifically information about the shelf presence of your own products vs. your competitors’ products; the degree of their visibility – shelf space occupied by your own products vs. your main competitors’ products; the price of your own products vs. your competitors’ prices; details about the compliance with merchandising standards by the retail-execution companies.

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