Our customers:

In today world, performance cannot be obtained without management and control systems. HERMES is an application dedicated to the Sales Force, aligned with the needs of Strauss România. HERMES became the most important tool used by our field representatives, both for traditional trade and modern trade divisions. In Strauss Romania’s vision, it is a priority to equip the sales force with performant, simple and useful systems, but this is also a way to motivate, control and performance increasei.” stated Dl. Marius Melesteu, General Manager, Strauss Romania.

We choose the Transart solution mainly because of the high coverage of our needs and requirements. Practically HERMES was the only application which satisfied all our requirements. What also mattered were the references with HERMES implementations to multinational companies and as well as Transart’s flexibility to deliver the HERMES applications as a service (SaaS) – at a reasonable monthly cost, financially deductible.” said Mr.. Eugen Ghinea, Trade Marketing & Sales Support Manager, Strauss Romania

We have now a management tool and a tool for detailed monitoring of the activities carried out by our representatives on field. This allows us to control the fact that sales strategy, trade-marketing actions and decided at top management, elements that were modeled as processes during the HERMES system implementation, are transmitted explicitly towards inferior levels (execution level). The fact that with the help of HERMES system each team member knows more exactly what he has to do, assures us that sales and promotion strategy is implemented exactly where it matters the most: on the field, into the sale points (outlets).”has also said Mr. Eugen Ghinea.

By implementing HERMES SFA mobile solution, the main benefit consists of improving the services provided to our clients in the distribution area. From the perspective of developments intended by the A&D Pharma Group, whether it is about regional extension or partnerships with new suppliers and implicitly new pharmaceutical products added to the distribution portfolio, another significant advantage brought about by the implementation of HERMES mobile solution is an increased capacity of coordination and control of very large teams – hundreds of people. It is about sales representatives, medical representatives carrying out promotion activities and who spend more than 80% of their time at client’s place.” stated Mr.Robert Popescu, CEO A&D Pharma

We chose Transart following a detailed analysis of solutions and offer existing on the Romanian market. Good references received from multinational companies using Hermes SFA solution, Transart openness to make a series of developments we wanted, the quality of people we were in contact as well as soundness and experience of the team behind the Hermes product, highly influenced our decision.”said Mr. Bogdan Dumitrescu, IT Director A&D Pharma

Hermes implementation allows us to render more efficient the activity of sales force by removing downtimes of the sales process, reducing most of administrative tasks of the agents and also through an increased support in setting up and managing all sale-related issues. In short, we became more efficient. The continuous flow of information from the field to the management is, however, the greatest benefit of this application. Planning, execution and control quality increase. But most important is the ability to support improvement and growth, provided by this application” stated Mr. Horaţiu Dumitrescu, Program Manager, Mediplus Exim SRL, part of A&D Pharma Holdings

The positive history with B-ORG ERP, the fact that in these five years of collaboration with Transart we were satisfied with our collaboration and the idea of having a single supplier for ERP + SFA / FFA made all the difference for us. As the final decision was taken in close collaboration with our colleagues from Hungary, the business expertise achieved byTransart for the mobile area. The positive references received from two multinational companies in Hungary that are using the system HERMES and the competitive price – have inclined the balance in favor of HERMES system provided byTransart has also said dl. Zoltan OLAH – Country Manager, Univer Product.

The continuous flow of information from the market/field to headquarters, the real time reports obtained, the fact that the HERMES system allows communication with our people in field and the possibility to see how effective they are – is the most important benefit for us. Practically, now we can take integrated actions relying on fresh information, locally to an area or globally with all reps in the Sales Team. Moreover, now the time to obtain needed reports is reduced by over 90% compared with time span needed before HERMES implementation. Correlating this with other valuable information that we obtain from the field using HERMES, I can now focus better on core activities: sales, points of sales promotion or coordinating and supervising of the fieldwork of sales team. In other words with this new tools we have created, in a short time, the premises for consistent sales growth and market consolidation of Univer business in Romania..” said Mr.. Attila Comsa – Director National Vanzari, Univer Product.

HERMES has allowed us to automate the main field activities of our sales representatives and also to diversify the work that they perform. After several months of using our system I believe that the main gain is that we now have available real-time reports based on valuable business information collected directly from the field/market. Information travels faster in the system, two-way, and we can (re-)act quickly. I’m particularly pleased about the simplicity and flexibility in creating new questionnaires in HERMES..” said mr. Robert Bodor – Regional Sales Manager, project manager HERMES, Univer Product.

„We have chosen Transart as a partner thanks to its experience and expertise in FMCG field, with numerous successful implementations. The relationship with Transart has proven to be very good and flexible, Transart employees being extremely considerate, responding very quickly to our requests.” – said Mr. Rares Popescu – Director Planificare Strategica & IT, Scandia Food

At the beginning of the project, we had a few meetings where we have lined-up our strengths – the Trade Marketing, IT and Sales departments of Scandia Food were involved in the project and Transart had all the support to implement the system. All the settings planned by Transart were facilitated by the assigned Project Manager and Team Leader and took place under the best conditions.” – has also said Rares Popescu – Director Planificare Strategica & IT, Scandia Food

“Thanks to the implementation of HERMES Evolution, now we obtain objective market data, regarding all the 4P of marketing, at a POP level, county, region and whole country, accessible data to all relevant functions in a single click. This information, assumed and centralized from all over the country in real time allows us to make decisions more rapidly” – stated Mr.. Rares Popescu

Hermes Evolution is a strong and important tool which support us in achieving our goals and carrying out our everyday activities. For Elit Cugir Hermes implementation meant an important step in developing the distribution division. Ideologically, we are talking about a new page written in the company’s history; basically it meant a radical change in the workflow, distribution policy … and even of company’s image.”said Mrs. Carmen Trif, director general adjunct Elit Cugir

The most important gain is production’s efficiency in real time according to the received orders during the day through speed of information’s transmission in the field. Some products have a very short production cycle and is important to know exactly the assortments and quantities we need to produce every day according to market’s real necessities. Before HERMES implementation, when we didn’t have in real time the consolidate information about registered orders in the field, it often happened to produce less amount of a product which would have sold better.” has also said D-na Carmen Trif, deputy general manager Elit Cugir.

 “Utilizam solutia de BI oferita de Transart pe platforma QlikView de aproximativ un an de zile. Eu o utilizez zilnic si pot spune ca a devenit un obicei. Peste 60% dintre deciziile pe care le-am luat in aceasta perioada au pornit de la o informatie pe care am aflat-o sau cautat-o folosind BI Adviser. Daca anterior asteptam dupa niste rapoarte de sinteza si cateva zile, acum multe dintre acestea sunt disponibile practic instantaneu. Per ansamblu, pot spune ca timpul de acces la informatii esentiale despre afacerea pe care o conduc s-a redus cu peste 50% iar modul de prezentare grafica a acestora este mult mai atractiv si mai util.” a declarat Dl Deak Ferenc – General Manager, Wooden Technic Prodimpex.

Noi lucram cu stocuri de marfa in valoare de peste 1 milion de euro, iar pe partea de optimizare stocuri, BI Adviser ne-a ajutat cel mai mult. As estima ca investitia in aplicatia de BI a fost recuperata doar prin eliminarea stocurilor neperformante si cresterea vitezei de rotatie a stocurilor de produse cu randament financiar mai ridicat. Iar aportul adus de BI pe zona de cash-flow – identificarea si recuperarea banilor din piata si pe partea de planificare/stimulare vanzari este si el destul de consistent.” a mai declarat Dl. Deak Ferenc.

B-ORG ne ofera siguranta in afacere si aceasta se datoreaza atat stabilitatii aplicatiei, cat si unui control strict al accesului utilizatorilor pe operatiuni – de la nivelul gestiunilor pana la nivel de camp sau buton in fereastra . Mai mult – foarte importat pentru o afacere de amploarea celei desfasurate de Damila – B-ORG ne ofera controlul riscului de neplata printr-o politica de credit eficienta, la nivel de client. Un alt aspect esential este suportul managerial, bazat pe posibilitatea obtinerii de rapoarte flexibile, in timp foarte scurt, oferindu-ne o viziune globala asupra intregii afaceri.”Mihaela Rovenţa, Deputy General Manager Damila

Oricare dintre solutiile software oferite de firma Transart le-ai alege, ai siguranta unui furnizor de programe complete, integrate si eficiente. Solutiile oferite de Transart ofera beneficii atat la nivel operational cat si la nivel managerial. Programele achizitionate au fost adaptate nevoilor personale, combinatia dintre cele doua uaurand astfel munca si oferind exactitate tuturor rapoartelor si situatiilor. Unul dintre marile avantaje este controlul in timp real asupra tuturor filialelor noastre. De asemenea, utilizarea sistemelor B-ORG si HERMES asigura urmarirea eficienta a agentilor, a comenzilor preluate si a stocurilor din toate depozitele.”Cristina Aniţaş, Director vanzari Intercompany.

Sistemul HERMES ne-a permis sa automatizam activitatile desfasurate de reprezentantii nostri in teren. Dupa cateva luni de utilizare, apreciez ca principalul nostru castig consta in faptul ca avem acum la dispozitie un instrument eficient de control al agentilor din teren, care ne ofera posibilitatea de a implementa rapid si coerent politicile comerciale stabilite la nivel de management. Un alt avantaj important pentru noi este faptul ca acum dispunem de informatii in timp real atat la birou cat si pe teren” a declarat dl. Miklos Laszlo – Director Vanzari, New Tusnad SRL

Am apreciat inca de la primele discutii nivelul ridicat de cunoastere de catre Transart a specificului unui business de comert si distributie. Una din principalele probleme cu care ne confruntam si care a fost rezolvata prin implementarea sistemului oferit de Transart este legata de managementul stocurilor (cresterea vitezei de rotatie a stocurilor, stocuri optime, necesar de aprovizionare etc), care reprezinta in bussinesul cu gresie-faianta un factor determinant in performantele firmei datorita duratei de viata scurte a produselor si al costurilor stocului.”  – Cosmin Dumitrascu, Director economic, Antrax Distribution Grup SRL

Suntem incantati de colaborarea demarata cu firma de software Transart. Buna cunoastere a specificului unui business de distributie FMCG, referintele pe care le are Transart ca furnizor de solutii software pentru afaceri si faptul ca am gasit un limbaj comun in discutiile preliminare purtate cu specialistii Transart ne-au convins ca avem in fata un partener pe care te poti baza. Parteneriatul inceput anul acesta cu Transart se doreste a fi unul de durata, iar profesionalismul dovedit de oamenii Transart a contribuit la succesul acestui proiect.” – Felix Matei, asociat Leul Import Export.

“Lucrez cu oamenii care astazi sunt in Transart inca din 1993, insa avem o colaborare mult mai stransa incepand cu 2001 cand am infiintat propria firma prin intermediul careia ofer servicii de contabilitate. Am ales atunci sa lucrez cu aplicatiile furnizate de Transart si astazi pot spune ca avem o colaborare excelenta cel putin din doua perspective. Prima, extrem de importanta pentru mine, este legata de faptul ca oamenii din Transart cu care eu pastrez legatura sunt profesionisti adevarati, cu care am purtat numeroase dialoguri pe teme economice si fiscale. A doua perspectiva tine efectiv de maniera in care Transart a reusit sa raspunda cu solutii practice, in timpi extrem de rezonabili, la modificarile legislative. Cazul recent cu declaratia D112 este elocvent. Desi nimeni nu a stiut de la bun inceput cum se va putea genera si depune D112, echipa de analiza Transart a prins rapid esenta şi spiritul modificarilor si a venit cu o solutie care din punctul meu de vedere este cea mai potrivita abordare. Faptul ca am un control complet asupra continutului Declaratiei 112, ca o pot arhiva in varianta listata cu detalii complete, fara a fi obligata sa interpretez XML-ul atasat, au fost detalii importante pentru mine. Insa cel mai mult am apreciat faptul ca, desi am avut cele mai diverse situatii posibile la un numar mare de firme, Declaratia D112 a fost corect generata inca de la primul kit furnizat de Transart. Mai mult, toate declaratiile generate astfel au fost validate prin mecanismele oferite pe site-ul ANAF. Comparativ cu alti colegi, nu a fost nevoie sa refac nici o declaratie. Totul a functionat corect din prima!”  – Iuliana Foalea, Administrator IF Consulting, Cluj-Napoca

Lucrez cu Transart din anul 1998 iar experienta mea in utilizarea aplicatiilor dvs, in mod special cu aplicatia de Salarizare este una extrem de benefica. Am colaborat foarte bine cu Transart in acesti ani, iar experienta ocazionata de depunerea Declaratiei 112 din ultimele zile a fost una relevanta din acest punct de vedere. Cel putin in judetul Cluj, am fost printre primii care au putut înregistra fara probleme Declaratia 112, ea fiind acceptata atat in modalitatea de depunere on-line cat si in varianta depunerii pe CD. Raportându-mă la experienta altor colegi care foloseau alte aplicatii cu care am comunicat in ultima perioada, pot spune ca Transart a fost primul producator de software care a furnizat un update de calitate al aplicatiei de Salarizare. Vreau sa spun ca, desi am avut situatii destul de complexe la mai multe firme, generarea corecta a Declaratiei 112 a functionat din prima si a functionat corect! Felicit Transart pentru promptitudine si pentru calitatea produsului! Am recomandat zilele acestea Salarizarea Transart mai multor colegi de breasla si o recomand cu caldura tuturor celor care apreciaza calitatea lucrului bine facut.” Emilia Puscas, Administrator Dev Consult Cluj-Napoca.

Parteneriatul cu Transart este deja o realitate, construita pe ceea ce ne apropie: similitudinea profilului clientilor nostri, oferte complementare, modul in care am lucrat in echipa pentru implementarea primelor proiecte si nu in ultimul rand tehnologia comuna Microsoft in care ambele companii au expertiza. Ne dorim sa aducem plus-valoare clientilor Transart, clientilor Entelion, oferind impreuna o solutie integrata de e-Business (ERP + e-Commerce) prin care sa exploatam mai structurat aceasta zona cu real potential (vanzarile on-line – B2B si B2C), insuficient exploatata de catre afacerile din Romania!” a declarat Marius Panait, Managing Partner Entelion Software.

Unul dintre primele beneficii pe care l-am sesizat destul de rapid dupa ce distribuitorii au inceput sa lucreze direct in portalul e-commerce B2B a fost reducerea cu 80-90% a gradului de ocupare in Call-Center, inainte se consuma foarte mult timp pentru a realiza zeci de oferte zilnic. Acum acest lucru este mult simplificat, consultarea cataloagelor se face on-line iar comenzile facute de acestia intra direct in Neomanager 7. Practic am castigat mult, atat ca imagine in piata, cat si pe imbunatatirea relatiei cu furnizorul nostru principal si pe relatia cu dealerii din tara. Nu in ultimul rand am negociat cu furnizorii (Transart si Entelion) o oferta speciala pentru dealerii nostri care doresc sa-si creeze propriile magazine on-line, e-Shop-uri interconectate cu portalul nostru B2B, dar cu functionalitati specifice unui e-shop (e-commerce B2C) care adreseaza direct clientul final.” a concluzionat D-na Lucia Niculae!